
HIIT (high intensity interval training) involves short bursts of high intensity workouts designed to raise the heart rate followed by ‘rest’ periods of low impact workouts. A typical HIIT workout lasts from 10-30 minutes and provides a whole range of benefits. With lower time commitments and health benefits comparable to other forms of exercise, HIIT training is an effective way to get fit without taking up too much time. Here are the 5 top benefits to HIIT training.

Burn Calories

HIIT can burn calories at a faster rate than other forms of exercise, with one study finding that HIIT burned 25–30% more calories than weight training, running and biking. The HIIT repetition in the study were 60 seconds each; 20 seconds of high intensity and 40 seconds of ‘rest’ and lasted 30 minutes in total.

Higher metabolic rate

The intensity of the HIIT workout causes a rise in your metabolic rate, possibly for hours after you’re finished exercising. This increased metabolism helps you continue to burn calories and use fat stores for energy rather than carbohydrates.

Increased Fat Loss

High intensity interval training has been shown to produce similar fat-loss results as moderate-level intensity workouts that last for longer periods of time, allowing you to achieve the same, or better, results in less time. HIIT can also greatly reduce the amount of visceral fat in the body by as much as 17%.

Increased Oxygen Consumption

The more efficient your muscles are at using oxygen the better those muscles perform, making you stronger and faster without any increase in muscle mass. HIIT has been shown to increase oxygen consumption to muscles just as well as traditional, long-term endurance training, but in only half the time.

Lower Blood Pressure

The benefits of a high-intensity workout span beyond simple weight loss and strength into serious health benefits that can improve your cardiac and overall health.

HIIT training is a fantastic choice for those who may be overweight and/or suffering from high blood pressure, as studies have shown that regular HIIT exercise can reduce blood pressure in obese or overweight individuals.

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